3.8km Swim 180km Bike 42km Run - Temperature 34oF
Swim 1:07:46 - T1 04:37 - Bike 05:23:59 - T2 06:06 – Run 03:41:50 Total Time 10:24:18
33rd 50 - 54 Age Group, 712th Overall
Whilst I hadn’t raced as much as I would have liked this
year, I have been injury free and pretty consistent week in week out with my
training bar the usual stuff life chucks at you. With multiple years of
training for Kona under my belt I have a pretty good feel, along with a good
slug of data, to understand if I am in the right sort of shape to be
competitive. I have always prepared well for this event and this year was no
different, I was confident arriving on the Big Island that I was capable of
racing hard and challenging for the top places.
I quickly slipped into the rhythm of the island,
crow-barring my body clock into the eleven-hour time difference and working out
in the heat of the day to accelerate the required acclimation to the brutal
conditions that mark this race out from all others. There is always a huge
amount of chatter about how exceptionally hot, humid and windy it is in any one
year; it’s Kona, it’s not meant to be and never is easy and that’s what keeps
drawing me and many others back to try and crack the code.
The days rolled by and I ticked off the plan as race day
approached. There is a fine line between being relaxed and being complacent. I
am not sure I always get the right side of that but I find a solid, tried and
tested routine a huge help in dealing with the near hysterical vibe that
surrounds Alii Drive as Saturday rushes head long at us.
Thursday is Under Pants Run day – don’t ask, just look it
up. A thousand A type individuals given an excuse to show off and strut their
lean, lycra clad stuff. For me it’s an opportunity to have a swim from Digme Beach
whilst the masses are distracted. Wednesday night I had the start of a sore
throat but brushed it off as the body wrestling with the time zone, conditions
and absorbing the huge physical work load of preparing for the event. Thursday
morning it hadn’t faded, it had become worse and I was feeling lethargic. Now
it’s not unusual to feel a little lethargic as you taper but this was more than
that. I got the swim and run session done early and retreated back to then
hotel to get my feet up. Friday morning, I woke up with a proper sore throat
and feeling really washed out. It’s a day to eat to fuel for the next day but I
had little appetite. I just stayed at the hotel resting, apart from racking my
bike, and prayed the rest would turn my body round.
Saturday morning, I was in race mode, ticking off the
military routine as I prepared for the start line. My throat seemed better and
the adrenaline was kicking in. I was hopeful my body had come round in the nick
of time.
Body marking, check; prep bike, check; pre swim coffee,
check; swim out to the start line, check; focus on the gun…. come on, focus for
the fight…checkish. The cannon boomed and I sauntered off to a solid start,
establishing a rhythm and sustainable pace. By the second half of the swim I
found myself almost going through the motions, no fight, no holding my ground
in the moments of close contact, just swimming the thing out.
As the 180k unfolded I felt increasingly flat, that’s the
only way I can describe it. Yes, I felt
nauseous but that happens in this type
of racing and I have strategies to deal with that but just the lack of spark
was different. I am a natural racer and spark is something I have plenty of and
I believe, a key ingredient of my success at the distance. Under normal
conditions this a cue from your body to get some caffeine in to refocus; I
reached for coke but it had virtually no impact. Like the swim, I just ground
it out as best I could, every time I lifted my energy and focus it just as
quickly waned. My legs, when I focussed, felt strong but my heart wasn’t in it
and the one thing this race demands is mental and emotional commitment.
I love this race and would love to come back and immerse
myself again in the whole vibe of the island and the sport’s blue ribbon event.
I’ve been very lucky and will work hard to stay lucky!